How we shape Nexus Care around your feedback

GHM Nexus alert

Our Nexus Care Solution is a powerful messaging solution that delivers critical alarms and nurse call alerts directly to smartphones. Since its’ launch, we have listened to user feedback and constantly evolved the platform accordingly. Here are just some of the improvements we have made based on your feedback:

You want to: Bring Nurse call information together with our EMAR and digital care records.
Our response: Absolutely, we believe in sharing and now have an Open API, which 3rd parties can integrate with

You want to: Know our busy times across all of our homes
Our response: Understood, Nexus provides busy time analysis across the entire nurse call estate.

You want to: Understand the differences in how are homes work
Our response: Nexus analytics enables you to compare sites or even regions and measure trends

You want to: Roll this out to older homes without WIFI
Our response: If WIFI is not appropriate or proves costly we can deliver the solution over either private or public mobile networks

You want to: Use it just for reporting
Our response: Simple, the Nexus platform can function as just a nursecall reporting tool if you do not want to implement Smartphones. Providing you with real tangible management Information without changing your Nursecall, bringing even the oldest Nursecall into the 21st century.

Our Nexus solution can be delivered with no upfront costs or hidden extras, all at a simple price per month. Contact us on 01865 367111 for further information.