Get more from your nursecall system

Enhance your nursecall system and transform the way you respond.

3 ways NexusCare can take your nursecall system to the next level:


Get nursecall alerts delivered directly to carers smartphones and silence alarms


View your live nursecall activity, stats and reports in a simple dashboard


Automatically record nursecall activity on resident digital care records

Find out more

Silence noisy consoles, creating a calmer care environment for staff and residents.

Alerts are sent directly to carers smartphones so they can respond from wherever they are in the home.

Live nursecall activity is recorded in our cloud-based dashboard so you can access and view, trends, usage, stats and reports in real-time.

  • Analyse live nursecall activity by response times, residents, homes, types of alert and much more.
  • Improve operational planning by understanding your nursecall activity and trends.
  • Evidence nursecall activity for staff, families and CQC ratings.
  • Compatible across different nursecalls to standardise reporting at an individual home, regional or group level.
  • Set your own service thresholds e.g. respond to emergency alerts within 3 minutes. Alerts are sent to allocated personnel as soon as those thresholds are passed.

Automatically link and record nurse call activities directly to a resident’s digital care record.

Know precisely when calls are made and accepted, the reasons behind each call, and how swiftly they are resolved for each resident.

Care homes benefit from a more comprehensive picture of interaction between staff and residents with both the staff led (care notes) and resident led (nursecall) information all in one place.

NexusCare works in the cloud, with your existing nursecall system. All for a simple, fixed monthly fee.

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