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Keeping focus of your people when implementing tech

Introducing new technology should make things easier and more efficient for care home staff. However, it can be easy to get bogged down with specifications or implementation and forget why you needed the tech in the first place. The company’s most important asset – people – often get forgotten. So how best to keep the human focus while transforming technology in care homes? Below we discuss practical options to get the whole team involved.

Get your Team Involved

From the offset, announce the new technology and benefits and plan ahead. Often drip-feeding information that a change is happening has a more positive effect, so staff feel empowered and involved.


Professional ongoing training is vital, but often you’ll have some team members that are more tech-savvy than others. Encourage them to become ‘champions’ and support other colleagues. Having a tech-savvy team member can be to the benefit of everyone, especially in busy working environments such as care homes.

Stay Focussed

Don’t lose sight of what matters. New systems are only good if they make our working lives easier. The end goal is to make care homes more efficient and for employees and residents to feel the benefit. Successful implementations must be a win-win for all.